Shady’s Pond Bird Blind

bird blind pic

September -October 2012
Waltham, MA
Client: Waltham Land Trust
Materials: Oriental Bittersweet Vines, sisal twine, steel cable
Dimensions: 7‘ x 20’ x 6″

The Bird Blind screens Western Greenway Trail walkers and others who enjoy this peaceful spot in the woods, and is a veil from which to look at birds and other wildlife at Shady’s Pond without scaring them away. This project was an exciting collaboration, spearheaded by Sonja Wadman, Program Director of the Waltham Land Trust.  After I developed a design and we got approval from the Waltham Conservation Commission, we began the process of creating the bird blind. I trained a group of volunteers on how to make concentric circles of woven bittersweet. They then went out and involved local kids and adults to create over 100 sets of concentric circles. We reconvened on October 13 with all the “bullseyes,” put cable up between the trees, and attached the bullseyes to the cables and to each other.

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